Instead of Trick or treating our Church family host what we call an Hallelujah party. The whole thing is free except if you can be willing to donate candy. They play all kinds of games. and just play with their friends in a fun safe environment.

Above is this game where you have to find stuff in all this shaving cream. Just something that they can get messy with and have fun. Below is a line of games, for example ring toss,basketball, and golf.

Kayla stayed in this bouncy thing or tried too. She had to get out sometimes to allow other children to have a turn. Instead of playing a game, she would just sit in this chair nearby and wait patiently for her turn.If I could get her away she would ask, "Can I go back on the trampoline?"

We even had the scariest costume there. You can not see but the price is $14.29.

Bean bag race, this was Nathan's favorite. He especially liked betting one of our college students.
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